News and Information
The Phoenixville Firebird Festival is one of the Philadelphia Region's most unique and anticipated events. The annual festival represents a celebration of the Phoenixville Borough's namesake - the Phoenix. Taking center stage, The Phoenix, at 20 feet tall, takes 3 months to complete and represents hundreds of hours of community effort.
The Firebird Festival celebrates arts, our culture, the ephemeral nature of life, and rebirth. Thousands of people come out to support the festival, which fosters a collaboration between local artistic talent and the cultural life in Phoenixville. The festival features regionally acclaimed performers, craft and food vendors.
Enjoy Phoenixville's Annual Tradition
The Phoenix
At 20 feet tall, the Phoenix is built by members of the community. Both skilled carpenters and people just learning how to use a hammer are invited to construct our Firebird.
Feel the beat of the drums and join in with our community as we march from Studio 323 through town and toward the Phoenix on the night of the Festival.
The Festival is thrilling and fun for all with drummers, dancers, fire breathers, and live music to enjoy throughout the Festival grounds.